Monday, March 30, 2009

This Past Week

Last Friday, Ciara and I were up in Escondido running an errand and I thought we should stop by the Wild Animal Park since we were in the neighborhood.

Here she is having a little lunch with her "friend" we are now calling Wilson

Those cheeks are not deflating anytime soon!

Here she is talkin' to the birds

Walking to the car

On the 21st we went to Mason's 2nd birthday party at Kidsville Playland. Ciara seemed to have a pretty good time. Surprisingly to me, she kept her Mickey ears on for about 10 mintues.

Trying to work the Hula Hoop

Just another "cold" day here in San Diego! Ciara is getting ready to go for a walk with Tim and Tundra on 3/22. She just had to have a snack before they left.

She seems to make this face when she is hungry and she sees her food

Here we are at the park around the corner from our house last weekend (3/25).

Ciara really enjoys the slide

Food: Ciara is almost always refusing to take food from us from utensils. She now wants to feed herself, which usually means she is picking it up with her hands...even yogurt.

Ciara has been carrying things around with her lately. These things are usually bigger than she is but she does a pretty good job. This time I caught her carrying my purse.

Ciara and Tim were hanging in the back yard today surveying the dirt. Tim plans on laying new sod in about a week.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

On the move...constantly!Please place food I WANT in this bowl. Now.

Give me camera. Please?

Bundled Up

Yes, we sometimes have to wear warm clothes here in San Diego! It must have been pretty cold - like 50 degrees or something - this morning (3/15/09) for us to put Ciara in her snuggly hat from Aunt Teresa.

Climb Every Mountain...

...or box. The first set of pictures were taken when we were visiting Kirsten. She was pushing the box around and then figured out that she could stand on top of it.

The second set of pictures are from the next day at home. She moved on to a bigger and better box. And no, she hasn't fallen off the bigger one yet! It is pretty cute watching her try to climb up there. Thankfully, she had really only tried to climb this one box. There have been some 'try-to-pull-myself-up-and-lift-my-leg-up' moves, but nothing too productive yet. And I say yet, because I have this feeling that we are soon going to have a climber on our hands!


Ciara and I were up in Carlsbad hanging with my good friend Kirsten about a week and a half ago when we saw THIS being taken out of a stroller....poor kitty!


Don't 'cha think!?!??!

Sleep Sack

This is a warm and fuzzy thing I heard about recently. Most people know about sleep sacks, but not about the ones for little ones that are walking around. They have cutouts at the bottom for their little feet. Tim thinks she looks like a Princess when she is in her Sack.

Off they go!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

11 Months Plus Some

Our baby girl is now a little bit older. Not only is she getting bigger physically, that personality of hers is growing as well. She has the "Arch Back and Whine" maneuver down. She also likes to follow me around and attach to my leg and then cry when I start to walk somewhere. I try to tell her that if she wants me to feed her she has to let go! :)

We finally felt her 2nd tooth. Yep, only two teeth at 11 months! She has been pretty amazing through this whole teething thing. She really hasn't been noticeably different (knock on wood!!).

Here are some pictures from the last couple days:

(Sorry for the weird formatting...I couldn't make it work for some reason tonight)

The "Arch Back and Whine" Maneuver


Good morning! Like my PJs and bunny slippers?!?!?


One of my favorite books


I know it's a little blurry, but it's too cute! 3/8/09

So what do you think about that

Go Huskies!
Just hangin' in the kitchen with my shopping bag
Yep. I have an arm. Mom and Dad are training me early!